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My very first bug

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living in fuzzing
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After studied about security and played CTF for a year, I decide to move on to the real world playground, and I choose Nighthawk RAXE300 as a target. Below is how I found the command injection bug in Nighthawk RAXE300.

After studying of hacking router devices, I realized that common LAN bug come from many of services such as: hostapd, httpd, smb,… So when started to analyze the RAXE300 firmware, I’m try to reverse some files like: pudil, pucfu, dhcpc, puhttpsniff, they took me a lot of time and efford for reversing. When I stop at puhttpsniff, It’s quite an interested file and code base of it quite small, so I decide to dig deep into puhttpsniff.

LAN bug in RAXE300 firmware

I discovered one of the many vulnerabilities of RAXE300 was the command injection in –user-agent field of the device. The bug lie in the function at address 0x10EC0 of puhttpsniff binary file, you can see in the below snippet:

char *__fastcall sub_10EC0(const char *a1, int a2, _WORD *a3, int a4)
    result = strstr(a1, "User-Agent: ");
    if ( result )
        _isoc99_sscanf(result + 12, "%255[^\r\n]", v17);
        sprintf((char *)v18, "pudil -i %s \"%s\"", v12, (const char *)v17);
        result = (char *)system((const char *)v18);

In summary, the above function, it takes contents from User-Agent field and pass it into the second argument of pudil command and run it with system command.

As you can see the above code. First it find does User-Agent exist in a1 variable by result = strstr(a1, "User-Agent: "); , after that it reads input with _isoc99_sscanf(result + 12, "%255[^\r\n]", v17); and store it in v17 variable. Next it pass v17 as the second argument into pudil command and store the string in v18 variable, sprintf((char *)v18, "pudil -i %s \"%s\"", v12, (const char *)v17);. After that it run the command by system function with v18 is the first argument.

Because it doesn’t check some special character, so we can easy to exploit the command injection bug with ` character.

PoC: curl --user-agent "a`ls`"